Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Things I've Learned From Watching Movies Part 21

Today's lesson: Apparently, a non-violent domestic spat in Buckingham Palace rates immediate detention whereas a protracted car chase and gun battle through some of London's most crowded streets will gain zero attention from any member of British law enforcement.



Unknown said...

When I do these I like to mainly reference details of the movie revealed in trailers or ads or other forms of marketing. Today, however, you actually have to see National Treasure 2 in order to get the joke. If you don't like it, feel free to demand a refund.

paulineh said...

well I'd prefer to read about a non violent domestic happening in the royal family than reading a dull and boring account on road violence etc. No and I haven't looked at the video (so I don't get the joke) know how I am ... no patience at all!!.

From your biggest fan