Thursday, May 28, 2009

Look At My Briefs

Brief comments on various subjects is really more like blogging than the full length reviews or commentaries. I should try to call someone a "ghey ray-tard" at some point to feel like a real blogger.

Twitter is participating in a reality show about people who use Twitter to track down celebrities. Ashton Kutcher does NOT like that idea and, in retaliation, has threatened to...brace yourselves...STOP TWITTERING. Yeah. Just let that sink in for a minute. I fully support Kutcher on this. Everyone knows that stalking celebrities is worse than the Holocaust. Why couldn't they have done a more acceptable form of celebrity humiliation like making them think that their home was being seized by the IRS or make them think that they're doing a charity visit to some sick kids that's actually a cruel prank. Also, if you're going to threaten people to get something you want, shouldn't it be something like, "I'll poison the world's oceans," or something along those lines? If you stop twittering, people will just start following Shaq or Stephen Fry.


This can't possibly fail.
Doing Star Wars without George Lucas is a better idea than doing Buffy without Joss Whedon. The director of the new Buffy movie is said to be the same talent free douchebag who directed the lame 1992 movie, the one who took Joss Whedon's perfectly good script and managed to remove the "perfectly good" from it. Oh well, not much you can do except not see the movie, something I feel won't be much of a sacrifice.


Gee, I wonder who's going to win this award.
Guess there's no possible way to predict. We'll find out on Sunday.


New Doctor Who episodes are finally getting a run in America which makes me say IT'S ABOUT GOD DAMN TIME! Thanks a crapload, England. We save your ass in World War II and this is the thanks we get? I'll have you know that I had to acquire those episodes in a dirty, sleazy manner cause I wasn't going to wait for you to stop cramming fish and chips down your gullets, get off your lazy bums and make sure that we obsessive Doctor Who fans didn't have to wait more than six months to see the new stuff. Are you still mad about the whole Revolution thing? Is that it? Maybe we can work something out.


Finally, it's nice to see that the Twilight series is no longer targeting teenage girls though I'm not sure if this new pitch to gay men will bring them more money.

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